The fiscal cliff may be just around the corner, but a wardrobe avalanche CAN be avoided. (See what I did there?) Say farewell to the old coats/sweaters/pants, and give them to someone who truly needs them this season.
Here's my rule of thumb when cleaning house: (Thumb------>)
Ask yourself 2 questions. Have I worn this in the past year? Will I wear this in the next 3 months?
If the answer is 'no' to both, it may be time to part with that item.
BUT WAIT! Ask yourself one more question- Is there any sentimental attachment? (i.e. 'This is my mothers shirt from the '60's', 'My Grandma knitted this for me when I was a child in hopes that it would fit me my entire life.') Obvi's if there is something important about the article of clothing, DO NOT say goodbye yet. Save it for the next generation.
Goodwill (Goodwill is giving away gift cards to Sandy victims!)
If you find yourself with an ungodly amount of clothing, no fear, there are plenty of organizations that will pick-up at your door. Like these guys. Or these. (<--they will pick-up ANY donations. Toys, shoes, cosmetics, you name it.)
Voila! Wardrobe managed. Hope ensues. Job Well Done.
Live Light and Have a Happy New Year's Eve,
Grace and Corinne
Favorite post yet! I am on it! I LOVE the links, too :)