Monday, December 31, 2012

Winter Wardrobe Clean-Out for a CAUSE!

The fiscal cliff may be just around the corner, but a wardrobe avalanche CAN be avoided. (See what I did there?)  Say farewell to the old coats/sweaters/pants, and give them to someone who truly needs them this season. 

Here's my rule of thumb when cleaning house:   (Thumb------>)

Ask yourself 2 questions.  Have I worn this in the past year?  Will I wear this in the next 3 months?
If the answer is 'no' to both, it may be time to part with that item.  

BUT WAIT! Ask yourself one more questionIs there any sentimental attachment?  (i.e. 'This is my mothers shirt from the '60's', 'My Grandma knitted this for me when I was a child in hopes that it would fit me my entire life.') Obvi's if there is something important about the article of clothing, DO NOT say goodbye yet.  Save it for the next generation.  

Where to take your STUFF? Here are a few suggestions:
Goodwill (Goodwill is giving away gift cards to Sandy victims!)

If you find yourself with an ungodly amount of clothing, no fear, there are plenty of organizations that will pick-up at your door.  Like these guys. Or these.  (<--they will pick-up ANY donations. Toys, shoes, cosmetics, you name it.)


Parting with anything can be a sad experience and that is OKAY!  Shed a tear of sadness for your old possessions because someone in need will shed a tear of joy for them. 

Voila! Wardrobe managed. Hope ensues.  Job Well Done.

Live Light and Have a Happy New Year's Eve, 
Grace and Corinne  

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Let's go fishing! Fishtail Braid!

Howdy from Texas! I am visiting family for Christmas, and though I am not in the city right now... Fishtail braids are just as shwanky here in the suburbs as they are in the city! Here are some pictures to hopefully make your fishing experience an easier one!

Start out with some hair!

Separate hair into 2 sections.  Take a small piece from the outside of one of those sections and cross it over to the other side.

Now take another small piece from the side you just added a piece to and cross this piece to the other side. You now have two sections with equal amounts of hair!  

Continue to take a small piece from alternating sides and cross it over. (TIP- use smaller pieces to make it look more like a fishtail, use bigger pieces to make it look more like a traditional braid.) 

Keep going, and when you've reached the bottom- add a ponytail holder.

Wahoo!! Corinne and I are also partial to the handmade scrunchy right now!

Hope those tips helped! And don't give up- even if it isn't perfect, messy fishtails are super cute

Ready, set, let's go fishing!

Happy Holidays from us to you :)

Live Light,
Grace (currently visiting Texas!) and Corinne (still in NY!)

(he's a little camera shy sometimes...)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bad Hair Day?!

No problem. Cover that shizz! Give the eye something else to focus on.

Grace opted for a hat a la DAVY CROCKETT and bold-hippie scarf
Corinne went the hipster-floppy-beanie and PSYCHIC route.
OR TOP-KNOT-IT! (we are so into that sexy librarian look.)

If your accessory or hair-do of choice makes you look like any of the following, you are on the right track:
Native American
Yoga instructor
.....heck, just go for it.  Stick a pot on your head and call yourself Johnny Appleseed.

Bad hair day averted :)

Live Light, 
Grace and Corinne

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

1 Minute Cake in a Cup

Craving sweets?! Our go-to dessert is perfect for anyone looking for a quick, portion controlled, inexpensive, yummy dessert! (*special thanks to my mom for introducing me to this easy recipe*) Simple steps for your 1 Minute Cake in a Cup:

1. Get a microwavable Cup

2. Add a couple spoonfuls of Cake or Brownie Mix (depending on your preference)

3. Walk over to the sink and add a little Water (If you think you added too much water and it's not looking like cake/brownie batter, just add some more mix- more cake for you!!) 

4.  Microwave for 60 seconds

6. Optional- add a Topping (we added some chocolate frosting... guilty!)

7. Bon Appetit! 

Live Light,
Grace and Corinne

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Rainy Day Pick-Me-Up's

It's a rainy Sunday in NYC.  We tend to lag on days like these.  Get out of that funk! Slump your slumpy self down to the corner coffee shop, pick-up a pick-me-up and brighten your outlook.  We suggest:

Invite some friends over!

Make yourself (and your friends) a hearty lunch.  Why go to the Italian restaurant across the street and spend a fortune?  Ask your friends to contribute (crackers, sauce, whatever they have at their disposal) and voila!  Instant lunch party.  

Turn on some tunes and DANCE PARTY!  Added Bonus: You burn off those lunch calories AND have fun.

Feeling crafty?  Make your own greeting cards.  Get creative!  Involve your friends.  Use what you've got lying around.

Enjoy Today! "Be passionate.  Passion needs to be behind WHY you do it, not WHAT you do."

Live Light, 
Grace and Corinne

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Simple Paper Wreaths: DIY Tutorial

Not ready for the holiday season?  Crunched for time and cash-money? This DIY paper wreath is fun and takes less than an hour to make!  Not crafty?  So what-Who cares? The beauty of this wreath is "mistakes" can make it even more beautiful and homey.  ADDED BONUS:  it's a great recycling alternative!

All you need:
1. A RING BASE for your wreath (this can be anything! Cardboard, Styrofoam plate, etc.)

2.  PAPER  (Your choice: Old books, newspaper, magazines, WHATEVER!)


4. GLUE/TAPE/STAPLER  (any adhesive will do, but a discreet one is best)

Step 1.  Make your base.  Whether it's cardboard, paper plates, or whatever, simply cut out a ring shape.  It doesn't have to be perfect, but it should somewhat resemble a ring when you're through.

Step 2. Roll your pages into cone shapes and adhere.  We used magazine paper cut into fourths for smaller cones, but have at it and make any size cones you want!  The cones don't have to be perfect.  It's a beautiful thing.

Step 3.  Attach cones to base.  With points facing into the center adhere the cones to the ring any way possible!  We used double sided tape and old school glue.

Step 4. Create a center piece and adhere.  We went a step further with this and made our own bows, but you can use anything!  A brooch, origami creations, ribbon, scrunchies, stickers, socks....anything your heart desires!  Check back at a later date for our simple bow DIY tutorial.    

Step 5.  ENJOY!!! Simple and cute.

To make your wreath even more festive for the holidays:  choose colors that represent your holiday, dress up a plain black/white wreath with a fun holiday center piece, or paint yours with glitter!  We are suckers for glitter...

Live Light, 
Grace and Corinne

Grace and Corinne: An Intro!

We are beyond excited to share our most invaluable secrets to living light, happy, and above all else, keeping cool.  BUT FIRST, a little bit about ourselves:

Our friendship began but 5 years ago, when we were randomly paired as roommates in college.  Random?  Or was it some act of fate?  We'll never know for sure.  All we know is the friendship was eminent and so was our taste level.  Unpacking our belongings on that first day was like watching identical twins being born at the same time.  Do you get me?  No?  Let me explain in English: Everything was the same!  From the Duvet to the Desk Lamp to the Garbage Can.

(Freshman Year: snowboard rockstars- we rocked those slopes!)

And the next 4 years were a blur.... (not really, it's just a very long story that has nothing to do with living light or simply and everything to do with living stressful and crazed in our college days!)

And NOW it's 2012!  We are gearing up for the Holiday season, settling in to our new (tiny) village apartment and making sure we stay fit mentally and physically.

Keep checking back with us to see what crazy activities, DIY projects, or new obsessions are tickling our fancy.

Life's tough.  Don't forget to stay silly and keep smiling!

Live Light, 
Grace and Corinne