Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Let's Recycle! DIY Jelly Jar Style.

This is a quick little "blog" DIY post I made for a job application cover letter (I know weird, right? Gotta do what ya gotta do to get that J. O. B.).  It actually turned out pretty cute, so I thought I'd share it for reals!


1. JAR

2. Soak JAR in warm water for 1/2 hour and scrub of the adhesive

3. While your JAR is soaking grab some super strong glue (industrial strength or glue gun) and bedazzle the top.  I had a bunch of shiny beads and buttons lying around, so I used those.  But you can use anything.  Buttons, coins, yarn.  Whatever matches your style, dude!

4.  SHABAM! Cool JAR topper.

5.  Fill up the jar with something you use often.  I chose doggie treats.  This jar makes dog treats look fancy.
(Optional: add a bow.  I used some HEMP craft string.)

VOILA!  Your old jelly jar is now a fabulous addition to your counter-top/cupboard.

My pup sure loves it!

Live Light,
Grace and Corinne

Monday, December 9, 2013

It's going down.

'Hello young lovers wherever you are..'

Life... Il est occupé. What with establishing careers and adding a new addition to the home we forgot to update all our friends on how we are keeping our cool. Here's how we've kept it Light in this crazy-sauce town:

We rescued!  Lila Louie was found as a stray - mistreated and disheveled.  Now...she's the Queen of NYC (and truly part of our family). 

We take advice from accredited sources. Thanks dollar bill.

We light paint! Talk about living light.... This is fantastic to do with friends. ::cue laughter and fun times::

We vacationed in Martha's Vinyard.  Although we love the city, there's no better way to unwind from hustle and bustle than vacationing with your best friend.

We redecorated.  That bare white wall is now a wonderland of paper hot air balloons.  DIY project coming your way.


Look forward to new posts with awesome projects and fun ideas! In the meantime, paint your nails with sparkle polish.  It will give you something to smile about every time you see your hand. (That goes for the men as well.)

Live Light,
Grace and Corinne

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Traveling Light! Road trip style.

We recently took a road trip to Memphis, TN! On a big time budget.  On the road for 4 days....and in Memphis for only 24 hrs.  What a trip!  Here's how we kept it light on the road:

We left early, packed only necessities, and took our time. You shouldn't be afraid to stop, relax, and check out the sights.  It takes the stress of being on the road...well, off!

We enjoyed all there was to see (and sometimes smell (cattle!)) traveling south. 
The jokes kept flowing.  Keeping a good sense of humor on the road is the key to maintaining your cool!
Money saving tips:

  • Travel with someone and split costs.
  • Eating on a budget doesn't mean eating crap.  Though I'm not the biggest advocate for fast food, Wendy's does make their salads fresh everyday and they use pretty good produce! Pack up the car with high protein foods and energizing liquids before you leave. 
  • Bring coupons with you. We scored some buy 1 entree get 1 free Chipotle coupons before leaving. Yes!
  • Stay with friends.  Skip the hotels and check your Rolodex for people who live near the major roads.  We are beyond grateful for the friends who opened up their homes to us!! And boy was it luxurious to shower in real showers. And by real showers, I mean showers not in the kitchen. 
We Made it Back to NYC in Two Pieces!! 

So buckle up and get out of town! Travel light my friends :) 

Live Light, 
Grace and Corinne

Thursday, January 24, 2013

When life gives you lemons...

Make lemonade. Duh.

But sometimes you can get stuck with a whole bunch of lemons and feel uninspired... so here are some of our recent lemons-to-lemonade stories that will hopefully inspire you! 

1. Our lovely plant, Harrison, got knocked over. Insert sad face. We put him in a temporary bowl for the night, and bought a bigger & better home for him the next day! Now Harrison's new home will help him grow into the beautiful, strong tree he's meant to be :)

2. We've been super busy. Like my iCal is a color coordinated mess that keeps overlapping and making pretty new colors busy. Finding a couple hours to have roommate hangout time has been hard... so we set up a chessboard on our counter and have post-its to let the other person know when it's their turn (and check/checkmate!). Corinne won the last game!

3. It was my ONE free night. I was going to do something, something awesome! Then it started raining. And I'm not one of those people that posts on social media "OMG, I love when it rains". No, rain in the city is my least favorite weather- ever. But we decided to make the most of the night and go for an evening jog in the rain! (If you wear contacts I recommend wearing a baseball cap to keep the rain out of your eyes!)

Life is what you choose! So choose to make lemonade. Choose to be inspired! Choose to LIVE LIGHT!

AND to our fellow Northeastern-ers stay warm! It's FREEZING out there :)

Live Light,
Grace & Corinne 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Small Space?! Clutter?! This will help...

Our home is tiny- like, there is a shower in the kitchen, tiny.

Sometimes living in a small space can be... well, complicated.  So we use different containers from places like The Container StoreIkea and Bed Bath & Beyond (BB&B is also known as Dumbledore's in our home) to help remove clutter and make living light in the city a little more beautiful & easy!

After the holidays, I realized I had more stuff! Shocking, huh? New stuff is great, but in a tiny apartment you have to be careful- because too much stuff can make your space look cluttered, and normally that makes you FEEL cluttered.

So I kept shoving new "stuff without a spot" onto my bookshelf, and then put my chair in front of the bookshelf to distract from the eyesore.  I KNOW. I know. This is my confession. I am ashamed, but I was busy! Last night, I finally had some time open up- so what did I do with my free Friday night? What every normal person would do- go to The Container Store. (I did see Zero Dark Thirty with some friends too...)

Here is the before and after of my book shelf:

Containers are amazing! We use them all over our apartment! (Think One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish...)

Striped ones:

 Elegant ones:

 Floral ones:

 Green ones:

 Woven ones:

 Plastic ones:

Basket ones:

Containers can help make your space look tidy and comfortable! Make it your own! And you know what, sometimes your "stuff" can make your apartment feel like home! Our neighbor threw a holiday party for the building, and while it may not be our style of decor- it couldn't feel more like home :) 

Make your home feel like YOURS- whatever that looks like! And don't forget to smile today :)

Live Light,
Grace and Corinne